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Over the last couple of months, we noticed a huge uptick in folks getting involved in gaming and eSports – members of our team have definitely fallen for that trend. When we learned some of our Urban Beard customers might like some of the same content, so we thought we'd share our passion for gaming with our bearded brethren.
This is by no means a definitive list, but we hope you check some of these content creators out and enjoy them as much as we have. (especially some of their epic beards!)
The doctor himself, DrDisRespect – the production quality and character screams top shelf entertainment.
StoneMountain64 does some of the funniest impressions of an angry CO on the internet. I can’t help but watch these streams over and over again.
We had to give an honourable shout out to Autumn who is a Canadian Streamer who just hit 100k on Twitch, as well as Adam Couser who we’ve sponsored in the past. Check out Adam’s NHL reaction videos, they are top shelf.
Marques Brownlee is the best technology YouTuber, period. Yup, I said it. He’s been in the game for probably a decade now, has over 12million subscribers and covers the most popular gadgets you can get your paws on.
For the folks that want to nerd out a “bit” more we have the “Holy Trinity” for nerds. Linus Tech Tips, JayzTwoCents and GamersNexus are fantastic resources. Your mileage will vary depending on your level of technical prowess, for example GamersNexus is highly technical and can get boring, BUT they’ll be some of the first to give you technical details and tear downs, where as LTT and JayzTwoCents are going to give you that thirst quenching gaming PC build montages we all love.
With that said we had to give a shoutout to Ali over at OptimumTech– like Marques his content comes with a high production value, and he's the undisputed leader in building small format computers. Definitely worth checking out!
Yeah, so we had to give a shout out to Netflix which still dominates our streaming rotation.
Fargo is back, Creed II is pretty awesome and David Attenborough is taking another shot at saving humanity from itself. A life on our planet is beautiful, I don’t know what it is about this documentary style format but we should take a page from Mr. Attenborough and start covering our bearded hero’s like he covers the planet.
A few popular movies and TV shows have come back up in the rotation as well – Ozark is dark, but with two seasons ready at your finger tips it’s hard not to binge it. Schitt’s Creek cleaned up at Emmy’s, is Canadian and well, it’s pretty funny too.
Finally, Community I can’t tell you how many times I’ve rewatched this show. It’s definitely dated but damn are we still waiting for that movie – give us Donald Glover, Joel McHale, Ken Jeong and the rest of that cast in all their glory.
Well that’s it from us – if you want to see more of this type of content reach out on Instagram or Twitter, we’d love to hear from you.