If patience is not your strength, it can be tempting to shave your beard. But if you feel it's looking scruffy, just shave your neck and trim the fly away hairs so your beard looks neat. massage beard oil into your skin and stimulate those hair follicles. Eventually those slow growing hairs will burst into life! And remember you're only a few months away from an awesome beard, we are all rooting for you!
Beard oil for growth? Using natural oils in your beard stimulates the hair follicles, strengthens the roots, and moisturizes the skin underneath your beard. That is paramount because let's face it, your beard is only as strong as the skin underneath it. Just like the hair on your head, when your beard is dehydrated it becomes wiry, brittle and sheds, resulting in you getting a patchy beard.
Beard oil is one of the most important products a guy should use on his facial hair. With a thoughtful blend of carrier and essential oils, beard oil can make you go from looking like a dishevelled hobo to a distinguished gentleman.
Ensuring that your facial hair consistently looks flawless doesn't come easy. That barely qualifies as news, yet it's a point worth stressing on the chance that you like to adopt a do-it-yourself strategy for trimming and shaping your whiskers.